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Suggested Painting and Drawing Materials to have for your classes

Painting Materials


Portable easel or Pochade Box with tripod (sold separately), if you paint en plein air (most of them include a palette. Some boxes can be quite expensive, but if you are planning to stick with your painting and try to paint both in the studio and outdoors, they are useful. See links below)



Sufficient amount of Titanium or Zinc White (200ml tube), Ivory Black, Raw Umber, Burnt Umber, Yellow or Gold Ochre, Red Ochre Transparent (Winsor & Newton), Raw Sienna, Burnt Sienna, Oxide of Chromium, Viridian, Ultramarine Blue, Alizarin Crimson, Cadmiums: Red and Yellow.

(Winsor & Newton Artist’s range is good. Their student version paints is suitable, however they have less pigment, this will affect the quality of your painting)



Number of canvas boards or canvases (additionally primed with white gesso)

22x16 inches

18x14 inches

16x12 inches

14x10 inches



Range of quality medium to large size hog long filberts and flats. No synthetic brushes please 



Low odour for the lessons, Artist's turpentine at home

Jam jar with lid for washing your brushes during work



Firm flat rectangular or oval medium size wooden or firm plastic or wooden palette (white plastic is good)

size appr 37x23cm (see links below)


Palette knife:

Winsor & Newton palette knife N21 or N22 or any make medium size pointed end palette knife


Rags or kitchen towel 

Old shirt/apron to protect clothing


Hard cover sketch book A4 format, soft graphite pencils 


You might find this information useful:


Canvas Carrier




Pochade boxes

Lighter pochade box/easel (with the video how to assemble it)


Russian easel (recommended)











Drawing Materials


Range of pencils from HB (for longer drawings) to 9B (for sketching)

Light weight drawing board A2 size.

(Good one -


Stanley knife to sharpen your pencils

Paper: A3 and A2 Daler Rowney Fine Grain - Heavyweight Drawing Paper pads (Not spiral bound)

For sketching

Various sizes sketching paper

Willow charcoal

Round large watercolour brush

Watercolour: black, sepia, umber

Round and filbert hog brushes size 8-10

Oil colours artist quality - raw and burnt umber (small tubes)

Soft pastel

A3 Pastel paper pad (neutral colours)

Russian Plein Air Easel.jfif
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